The BPAHA was established to be a non-partisan, volunteer organization that works to represent the interests of residents of the British Properties and Area. We work to enhance the environment and quality-of-life for your community. We also represent residents when working closely with the West Vancouver Municipal Council, School Board, WV Fire and Police Department. We invite all residents to join your BPAH Association.
Welcome to your British Properties Area Homeowners Association

Read our Hilltop News – Spring/Summer 2023

Block Watch Neighbourhood Update
West Vancouver, and especially The British Properties, has one of the lowest crime rates in the country. However, we never want citizens to let their guard down – don’t make it easy for thieves. Theft from Auto is always a concern as people continue to leave valuables in their parked vehicles while they are hiking, walking their dogs or enjoying community and sporting events.

Learn About Our Furry Neighbours
Hiking in the Properties
If you are new to living in this area or you’re simply concerned about human/bear interaction, we hope you’ll take a little time to learn about bears. We live surrounded by lovely parks, trails and streams that form natural wildlife corridors which extend into residential areas. Black bears often follow these corridors and may wander into our neighbourhoods in search of easy food sources such as garbage and fruit trees.

In the British Properties we're blessed with the proximity of wonderful forest, creeks and mountains. It's not difficult to get to the wilderness when you live here. The extended Brothers Creek Loop will take you for a short lesson about North Shore logging history and to the true rain-forest.

West Van's Garbage
and Recycling Program
Since the District of West Vancouver's Green Can Program launched in 2012, approximately two-thirds of residents are now using Green Cans to divert food scraps. Gargabe volumes have decreased by more than 30 per cent and out garbage diversion has incrased from 58.2 to 68.6 per cent. As a result of these changes, we have nearly reached our regional target of 70 per cent garbage diversion and there has been no fee increase.

Become a Member and Join Today
What Your Membership Does for You:
Connecting neighbours with community services and events
Active representation at West Vancouver Municipal Council meetings.
Support of Block Watch to enhance neighbourhood secutiry
Student Scholarships to our local schools
An interactive, community-based website: http://www.bpaha.com
Publication of the Hilltop News a quarterly newsletter
Recognition with annual awards for outstanding citizens
Special Events hosted by BPAHA: The AGM, Candidates Meetings, etc.
Membership Payment Options
Our membership payment options include PayPal, Interac E-Transfer and Cheque. Go to this page for details.