Helpful Tips for Our Neighbourhood

Garbage Pickup
Don't Put Your Garbage Out the Night Before
There are times that our garbage pickup is affected either by a heavy snowfall which we had in February or if you are not in time for the garbage truck. Please remember to take your garbage can back up and off the driveway or curb to a secure place. This will avoid the opportunity for crows and other wildlife to get at it and make a mess. Leaving garbage on our driveways and boulevards can result in a ticket from the by-law department, as it is up to the property owner to clean up any spilled refuse.

Block Watch Neighbourhood Update
West Vancouver, and especially The British Properties, has one of the lowest crime rates in the country. However, we never want citizens to let their guard down – don't make it easy for the thieves. Theft from autos is always a concern as people continue to leave valuables in their parked vehicles while they are hiking, walking their dogs or enjoying community and sporting events.

Learn About Our Furry Neighbours
If you are new to living in this area or you're simply concerned about human/bear interaction, we hope you'll take a little time to learn about bears. We live surrounded by lovely parks, trails and streams that form natural wildlife corridors which extend into residential areas. Black bears often follow these corridors and may wander into our neighbourhoods in search of easy food sources such as garbage and fruit trees.
Dragon Dance Team at Sentinel Secondary Celebrates Chinese New Year

这次Sentinel中学成立的舞龙队,应该是学校、也是整个北岸地区的第一只类似的团队。经过三个星期的密集排练,舞龙队的表演成为马年迎新活动中的一大亮点。在中国历史上,龙代表着力量、尊严、幸运和智慧。 在过千年的时间里,龙一直是皇权的象征。如今,舞龙已成为华人民间庆祝农历新年的重要表演。这条18米长的龙是2013年从中国运来,由Chartwell的中国家长集体赞助的。第一年的表演是由10位该校学生的父亲承担的。今年在两家学校的校长支持下,中学成立舞龙队承接这条龙,在Park Royal商场和其他活动中成功进行了表演。学生们计划正式注册成立舞龙俱乐部,把舞龙表演在学校一届一届传承下去,在我们的社区弘扬这一具有特色的东方文化。